Dear José Duarte, PhD,
Thank you for taking the time to read my work and for appreciating the article.
The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), a warehouse of sorts that provides custody, clearing and settlement for US$1.85 quadrillion in transactions per year is planning to move its US$10 trillion-a-year credits derivatives tracking operation to a customized blockchain — Axcore.
It’s not clear if Axcore is based on the Ethereum blockchain, but based on its description, it sounds very much like it is. Furthermore, so far only the Ethereum blockchain has shown sufficient resilience for smart contracts and it would be logical for Axcore to be built atop of it.
Solidity is certainly robust enough a programming language and thankfully syntactically elegant enough to adapt readily to the need for CDSes (sic).
If the new system, scheduled to launch by the end of the year is successful, it could eliminate massive redundancies.
But, as you rightly point out, there still a need for verifiable oracles or sanctioned sources of data for which CDSes (sic) can draw their information down from.
Pluralizing acronyms such as “CDSes” may I would humbly suggest be more a matter of preferred style than grammar. Some style handbooks suggest using apostrophes, e.g. CDS’s, others as you put it CDSes and yet other CDSs. I prefer the latter than the other two options, my apologies if this offends you.
Thank you for noting the typographical errors in the paragraph, the lack of punctuation is more my preference than anything to do with deliberate omission.
Thank you for contributing to the discussion and any errors and/or omissions remain strictly mine.