Dear Joseph,
Thank you once again for your constructive criticism of my work.
As you rightly point out, my understanding of classical Roman history could perhaps be found wanting and whilst I concede that my understanding of the subject matter may have lead me (perhaps wrongly) to conclude that the debasement of the Roman currency lead to the downfall of Rome, it is entirely possible that it was a limited role.
Nonetheless, flawed or otherwise, I would humbly suggest that one’s reading and interpretation of history will always be nuanced and subject to the intentions and purpose one intends to use with that reading of history.
In this regard, I will be first to admit that I am no different in searching out analogies to both make cryptocurrencies more intellectually accessible as well as to put forward my position.
My arguments in support of cryptocurrencies will necessarily be biased, but I welcome disagreement as well as debate on the matter.
Hopefully from there, we can uncover the truth which is likely to be somewhere in between.
As always, I enjoy our exchanges and any errors and/or omissions continue to remain strictly mine.