An Ode to the Crypto Stayers
When cryptos fall, as they often will,
when the signs seem to point, that the battle’s uphill,
When the wallets are worthless, in dollar terms,
And you don’t even feel, like wearing your berms,
When cryptos are getting you down quite a bit,
Sigh if you must — but don’t you yet quit.
Cryptos are new and will twist and turn,
The markets are new and will take time to learn,
That it’s too early to call, the jury’s still out,
We’ve yet to discover what crypto’s about.
And many a coin may yet rebound,
if only we did our best, to stick around.
Don’t give up, though the odds seem real bad,
when the score is settled, you’ll be relieved that you had.
Often things seem clearer, when looking to the past,
but no matter how bad things are, these times just won’t last.
And when the naysayers have all but given up,
is right when things, are about to disrupt,
The assumptions made, that things will be as before,
is an assumption made based on a fleeting past score.
The market is new. The players? Still learning.
But that’s the whole point — regardless of earning.
And at the end, you may be richer or not,
but if you stay with it you’ll be richer for lot.
The friends that you’ve made, the things that you’ve learned,
are worth more than the Lambos that you could’ve earned.
Take a deep breath, have drink if you must,
but stick with the blockchain, the foundation of trust.
It may take some time, it won’t happen this instant,
and when you’re in it, the future feels distant.
But stick with the fight, even if you’ve been hit,
It’s when things are hardest that you mustn’t quit.